DID THAT SNAKE BITE? Written by me on 04 Apr 2019 I almost forgot that I wrote poetry here. I've come a long way since the last time I wrote something here. There was a time I used to write for him. Now, I don't. These days I write for my college magazine. I participate in poem writing competition (which I am forced to do). I never knew that I had such ability. This place forcibly made me to do a lot of things. I learned painting, a lil bit more of cooking, explored myself as an orator and obviously improved myself in poetry too. I've started writing in Hindi too, which I thought would never be possible. So, without wasting much of your time, here goes a poem which was written by me years back. Someone panicked and rung the bell! Momma ran "who's there", she yelled. Few neighbours had something to tell. I went there quickly to hear them yell. "There's a snake", someone cried. Their horror was as if someone died. Children was asked to sit at ...
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When you are crazy in love. What do you do? I write. And here is what I wrote two years back (on 6th February 2019). XD When you are at the top, To never ever stop. And just like the moon you shine. That glory of yours is mine. That glory of yours is mine. When you are sad, Your day is bad. And you are not at all fine. Then, that grief is also mine. That grief is also mine. When you are happy, You are up for a party. And your joy mixes like wine. That rejoice is also mine. That rejoice is also mine. When you disguise your feelings, Afraid of revealing. And really need some time. That load of stress is mine. That load of stress is mine. If you do such a job, To leave me alone and let me sob, I'll surely do a crime, That is to kill you in no time. Because you are only and only mine. Only and only mine... ~KAMNA SAH Thank you and I hope you enjoye...
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There are certain circumstances which makes us do things which we really don't intend to do. Our mental condition is so bad that we do things at an instant and regret that decision later. It could be anything, for example, yelling at someone, making others feel low. Yes, we've all faced such situations in which we think we were rude to someone and it shouldn't have happened. I too face the same problem. But a few years ago my condition was worse. My anger used to be on peak. I aimed to break the nose of the person who annoyed me. I never cared who was in front of me, I simply yelled and yanked them away from me. It's obvious that I regretted every move of mine and that's when I wrote a poem "Why?" ( on 25th Jan 2019). Why I can't control my rage? Is this because of my age? Or because of my current stage onto which I can't gaze. Why do I throw things I get? What is in my hand, I just forget. When it's broken into pieces, I regret. I don't ...
Don't Cry!
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Ever happened, that you cried a lot? I mean, something like 'a whole night'. Come on! every one cries. Atleast people like me cry almost evry hour. The reason could be anything. Maybe the food isn't good, mom scolded you, had a breakup with your bestie, your favourite character died in a book, you completed a beautiful book, your sister disclosed your secrets etc. Here is a poem for the people who cry (almost everytime). I wrote this poem on 30 October, 2018. Feeling upset, angry or deprived , don't make your heart small and cry. Never think of what made you sad. Looking for the solutions won't be bad. Sadness ultimately puts you in anger. For you and others it's a sign of danger. Sadness with anger make you weak, and finally your eyes starts to leak. Let your anger go for a walk, happiness will surely make a knock. Peep in yourself and see who are you. Crying is the work which babies do. Forget everything and try to laugh. Find someone and start a talk. Sit a...
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Long distance relationships sucks. Everything becomes useless. You dream of your love to be near you even though it's never gonna happen. Here's a poem written by me on 29th August 2018. One day, in the night when after many days, I was feeling all right. I went in my room and laid on the bed. Don't know what, but something made me step ahead. I came out of the house, There was no one, rather than a mouse. That night, it was really chill. But also, I stood there still. Then I thought of taking a round, when suddenly I found the person to whom my heart was bound. Literally, I couldn't believe my eyes. Finally I got him after so many tries. This was the joy I couldn't hold and then I silently told: "I thought you went far away. Then what's the reason that made you stay"? Hearing this, he replied: "I'll be coming from anywhere, if you say. Distance can never come in our way". It was such a beautiful night. I closed my eyes and hugged him ...
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Your diary, journal or whatever you use to share your thoughts become worthless when you've got a bestfriend. Why do we write a diary. People like me usually write to kill their loneliness. But when you have a bestfriend with you, there is no need of a diary at all. I too had a bestfriend (or so called bestfriend or I called her my bestfriend or whatever). I used to show her my poems. My poems were usually about the guy I was dating. Once she asked me to write a poem about her. I took this lightly. I smiled and said that I would certainly do it with pleasure. But I was not able to that. As I told once, I am not an intentional writer. I write only when I feel. One day she was upset because I was talking to a girl she never liked. She didn't talk to me for two days. Me being a cry baby got tensed. She was the only one who listened to all of my shits. That day I realised what she meant to me. She never left me behind in any situation. She was the person who constantly helped me...
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People do fight. Yes, some random fights are always necessary in a relationship and it's quite a common thing. We had one too. Well, it wasn't actually a fight. It was something else. Something which is still unexplained. Till date I wonder what was it. Read the poem and let me know what you think it actually was. Once upon a time, when he used to be totally mine. Everything was going on really fine. He was the first thought in my mind, rest of the things I left behind. I thought that I was the happiest of all. But who knew that time would revolve, and finally there would be too many problems to solve. I saw slight changes in him, his love for me became dim. After that he started ignoring, as if he felt this relation was boring. Once, I asked him, "What happened to you dear"? "Is everything okay here"? His answer made me restless. That night I was shocked and tearless. My tears were not even rolling down. It seemed as if a king lost the battle in the ground...
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Earlier we talked about how a girl feels. Ever thought, what she need? Yes, of course! Everyone wants something. This something could be different for different people. But if we talk about similar situations, the needs too become similar. Every girl going through a similar situation has similar longings. This thing applies to men also. Here, we are talking about a girl. So let's see what she wants. (This poem was written on 24 June, 2018) What I need is love, attention and time. Ask me everyday whether I am fine. This is enough for you to be mine. Be as sweet as honey. Spend lots of money and laugh on my jokes which are not even funny. This is enough for you to be my bunny. Just make me feel that you really care. Keep on saying "don't worry, I am here". This would be enough for my heart to give you a share. Each moment I think about you. The reason is that, I have feelings for you. And I hope that you have this too. Your love and care is only my greed. This is wha...
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Dating a guy is never easy for any girl with the heart of the size of a fist and emotions as high as a mountain. This feeling is amazing. Everything seems so good. Containing those beautiful moments in your heart is damn hard. The blood in the veins go all mad. They won't listen to the commands. They are all bathed in the joy of happiness and pleasure. They want you to shout in joy and let the world know that what you are up to. Let's see what a girl did when she was going through the same situation. Oh! Here is the first ever poem she wrote! You are the one whose presence bring thrills. You are the one whose ignorance kills. You are my sunshine, you are my twilight. You are the one with whom I wanna be day and night. You are in my daydreams, you are in the dreams of night. You are the one because of whom I am in extent of my flight. You are the one from whom I don't wanna hear nopes. You are the one to whom I wanna be close, and you are in my heart with stardust of hopes...
Just a beginning
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Love is not just walking hand in hand, and gifting the things of latest brand. It's all about a deal, That when the time comes how you are going to reveal. Or simply slip away like an eel. -- KAMNA It's been so long since I wrote this (2 years or even more). These lines explain a lot of things (maybe something you could relate). There's nothing to explain here so lets jump to the main thing. There was a time when I never used to share my poems. Only a few trusted ones were given access to it. So, if at all you have read any of my poems then believe me, you are damn special. The main reason behind this was attention. I always feared that I would not get appropriate attention and appreciation. That's where I was wrong. We don't write to gain people's attention. We write to express ourselves, our feelings, experien...