People do fight. Yes, some random fights are always necessary in a relationship and it's quite a common thing. We had one too. Well, it wasn't actually a fight. It was something else. Something which is still unexplained. Till date I wonder what was it.  Read the poem and let me know what you think it actually was.

Once upon a time,
when he used to be totally mine.
Everything was going on really fine.

He was the first thought in my mind,
rest of the things I left behind.

I thought that I was the happiest of all.
But who knew that time would revolve,
and finally there would be too many problems to solve.

I saw slight changes in him,
his love for me became dim.
After that he started ignoring,
as if he felt this relation was boring.

Once, I asked him,
"What happened to you dear"?
"Is everything okay here"?

His answer made me restless.
That night I was shocked and tearless.
My tears were not even rolling down.
It seemed as if a king lost the battle in the ground.

He said,
"I don't what happened to me"!
"It would be better if you leave"!

Listening to this I said,
"Just tell me what's your problem baby,
your change in behaviour drives me crazy".
"I'll do all the possible things".
"Your bad mood makes my mind swing".

He replied in such a tone,
I felt that I should mourn.
"Hey girl! Don't be crazy,
and never try to use that word baby".

After that we never talked,
all my work was on a halt.
My tears were always on,
fun and studies were totally gone.
I got zero in every test.
Tear glands were always in progress,
and it seemed as if they never wanted to rest.

Now he often comes in my dream,
when I wake up I usually cry and scream.

Oh! What the fuck,
Life without him, really suck.
Did he ever try to understand my pain,
that I've gained.
But I want to be with him again.

I love him as much I never did.
He used to be my smile that never hid. 
However, there is no reason for me to smile.
My happiness ran away many miles.

Oh dear!
I don't know the reason for the sudden changes in your attitude.
But there will be a time, when you'll be in a good mood.

You will accept me as yours,
and our love will be truly pure,
I will be yours and you will be mine
and together we will make it a divine. 

                                    -- Kamna

HOPE: This is the only thing which keeps everything on place. It keeps your heart from skipping a beat when times are miserable. Hope is a four lettered small word with a huge meaning. Even in the darkest of times, there is always a ray of hope which keeps life going. 
My hope of making everything fine again was not small. My hope was a prayer to the goddess Aphrodite. Eventually everything became fine. He texted me after a month or so. My happiness was beyond imagination. 

He explained to me that he was feeling low that day. He apologized. I listened carefully to each and every word he spoke. Somewhere in my heart I knew that he would come back to me. He always did. I knew it. His apology was already accepted. Such a heart a girl has. You hurt them, you break their trust, you betray them, you tear their soul apart or even if you break their head, these foolish ladies will always forgive you.

My dream of making this relationship work again became true. But for how long? I'll tell you some other day. 
Till then. Be happy and have a beautiful day ahead!

By the way this poem was written by me on 28 July, 2018.

Thank you.


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