Just a beginning

Love is not just walking hand in hand,
and gifting the things of latest brand.

It's all about a deal, 
That when the time comes how you are going to reveal.

Or simply slip away like an eel.

                                             -- KAMNA

It's been so long since I wrote this (2 years or even more). These lines explain a lot of things (maybe something you could relate). 
There's nothing to explain here so lets jump to the main thing.

There was a time when I never used to share my poems. Only a few trusted ones were given access to it. So, if at all you have read any of my poems then believe me, you are damn special.  The main reason behind this was attention. I always feared that I would not get appropriate attention and appreciation. That's where I was wrong. We don't write to gain people's attention. We write to express ourselves, our feelings, experiences, knowledge and whatever stuff we have in our minds and hearts. 

So, why this?
Obviously the reason is known. 
I am here on my will, without any fear of not getting attention and appreciation to share my poems. 

It's very difficult to just imagine and write,
the words automatically come when you are very happy or in a plight.

                                          -- KAMNA 

People said, "you've got a nice imagination to write", "your stories make sense". 
The first line from my mouth was, "my poems aren't mere stories, they are the memories which I created". I know that there are many people who are genius. They create stories, beautiful ones. 

But to be honest I am not like them, although I would love to do that too. I write what I feel. My words directly come from my heart. Till  now I haven't got that talent to create stories. Well, it doesn't mean I've got a bad imagination. The thing is, I never explored that side of mine. 
My feelings automatically come in the form of a line and the intensity of my emotions  decides the stanzas and the rhymes.  

I would love to share an another micropoetry of mine :-)

When every tresspasser sees me and yell,

Then, I think that,

I would have felt better if I was living in hell.
Ok leave,

Because I don't have incidents,
I have stories to tell! 

                                             -- KAMNA

So, this was all for today! These were one of 
the smallest poems of mine. I would literally love to share each and every line that I write. I am thankful to each and every person reading this. Thank you very much.
Please do give the reviews about how I can improve. You can even share your poetry with me. I'll let you know about my other works some other day. Till then, be happy. Thank you! :-D



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