Written by me on 04 Apr 2019

I almost forgot that I wrote poetry here. I've come a long way since the last time I wrote something here. There was a time I used to write for him. Now, I don't. These days I write for my college magazine. I participate in poem writing competition (which I am forced to do). I never knew that I had such ability.

 This place forcibly made me to do a lot of things. I learned painting, a lil bit more of cooking, explored myself as an orator and obviously improved myself in poetry too. I've started writing in Hindi too, which I thought would never be possible. 

So, without wasting much of your time, here goes a poem which was written by me years back.

Someone panicked and rung the bell!

Momma ran "who's there", she yelled.

Few neighbours had something to tell.

I went there quickly to hear them yell.

"There's a snake", someone cried.

Their horror was as if someone died.

Children was asked to sit at home.

They were not allowed to roam.

Mum just ran to the scene.

It was the place where the snake was seen.

I peeped through the window, as I was keen,

To see the snake, who made everyone scream.

By the time a man was called.

So that this problem could be solved.

He was provided with a stick,

With which he made several hits.

In a short time, the snake was killed.

Seeing this, my head spinned.

It was not so huge in size,

Neither it had those dangerous eyes.

That poor thing wanted to escape.

It was killed due to it's ill fate.

Now, those cowards felt so safe,

As they chopped that speechless snake.

The poor creature could have been saved.

If those cowards were a little brave.

They could've thrown it out of sight.

So that it could live a peaceful life.

I want to be a little polite.

Hurting others gets you no delight.

Especially the one's who can't even speak.

They just die, with no one to weep.

I wish those people are snake in next life.

So that they could go through such plight.

I'll not say it was wrong or right.

I'll just ask, did that snake bite?

                                         -KAMNA SAH

I know many of you would have read this, because it's in the college magazine and those who haven't would've found it a bit childish. Well it is, I guess. Whatever, I wrote it when I was too young to be writing stuffs. 

I hope you like it. If you are reading this, thank you very much. If you are not, neverm

ind, it's just a place to blurt out shit so that I could read later.

Anyways, thank you. Have a good day!!


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