There are certain circumstances which makes us do things which we really don't intend to do. Our mental condition is so bad that we do things at an instant and regret that decision later. It could be anything, for example, yelling at someone, making others feel low. Yes, we've all faced such situations in which we think we were rude to someone and it shouldn't have happened. 

 I too face the same problem. But a few years ago my condition was worse. My anger used to be on peak. I aimed to break the nose of the person who annoyed me. I never cared who was in front of me, I simply yelled and yanked them away from me. It's obvious that I regretted every move of mine and that's when I wrote a poem "Why?" ( on 25th Jan 2019).

Why I can't control my rage?
Is this because of my age?
Or because of my current stage
onto which I can't gaze.

Why do I throw things I get?
What is in my hand, I just forget.
When it's broken into pieces, I regret.
I don't understand, by doing so, what I get?

Why do I start crying so bad?
Because of whom, mum, sister or my dad?
This kind of experience I never had.
Seeing my own situation I feel sad.

Why I am such a malcontent?
Can't I just shut up for an instant?
Why I want to kick them who makes me tensed?
I just want happiness even if I could get it for rent.

Why do I start shouting loud?
Is this to gain attention from the crowd?
My head is always covered with angered clouds.
I want to wind them all with a shroud.

Why I can't be a happy person?
With sadness, anger and rage of poorer version.
Is it necessary to take revenge?
Instead of hatred can't I spread reverence?


                                            ~ KAMNA SAH

I hope you liked it. Thanks:-)

Have a good day.      


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